Traveling is great, as everyone knows. When we are returning from a trip, we already plan the next destination. And in this planning, there are many things to consider, such as the number of days, the itinerary, which is the best hotel, which flight to buy, what to do there. The last thing people think about is travel insurance, which is extremely important to ensure a truly peaceful vacation.

There are numerous insurance and coverage plans and one of them is sure to meet your needs. When you leave your country, taking out insurance becomes even more necessary, as there may be a medical emergency or the traveler may have something unforeseen such as lost luggage or being robbed, for example. And how to proceed in a country where you do not know the laws and your rights?

Of course, no one expects any of this to happen, but taking out international travel insurance can be the guarantee that even if something like this does happen, your vacation will not be interrupted. That’s why we are now going to clear up some doubts and give you 8 tips for taking out international travel insurance.

How is the hiring?

Today it is very common to take out travel insurance online. The customer fills in their data, informs the destination and duration of the trip. After payment, the company will provide you with a voucher or a ticket, all electronically via email.

Print your insurance documents and write down all of your insurance company’s international numbers. All these documents must be taken with you. It is recommended that the insurance ticket keep your personal documents, such as your passport, keeping you company wherever you go.

To ensure even more peace of mind, take a photo of all documents and send them to your email. Many don’t know, but some insurers accept collect calls. So, as soon as you need insurance, call the company and ask how to proceed. In cases where the company will reimburse you, keep all payment receipts and invoices and pay attention to the dates. It will be necessary to prove the expenses on the date of the accident.

Tips on international travel insurance:

Well, here are a few more tips to make your trip unforgettable, even if there is anything unforeseen!

1- Research your destination:

Before taking out insurance, research the requirements of the country of destination. For example, some European countries have signed the Schengen treaty, which stipulates that the traveler must enter the country with coverage of at least 30,000 euros (or the equivalent in dollars) in medical assistance. Among these countries are Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Holland and Portugal, Spain, among others. In some cases, the tourist can even be deported or find entry difficult due to lack of documents or insurance.

2- Dates of the trip:

The duration of the trip is extremely important in setting the price of insurance. Therefore, when filling out the form, enter the departure date from the country of origin and not the arrival date in the destination country. When returning, the date must be the arrival date in the country of origin. This way the insurance will be valid from the time you leave until the time you step back on Indiaian soil.

3- Compare prices:

Before taking out travel insurance, compare the price and coverage of different agencies. A good research can lead you to take out insurance that is cheaper and has a broader coverage than most. Or it could also happen that two plans have the same price and one has more coverage than the other. So don’t be lazy to research it, it will pay off.

4- Credit card insurance:

Some international branded credit cards offer free insurance to their customers. Before accepting, check carefully the services offered, as many do not cover the most common unforeseen events that may occur during a trip. In addition, the traveler must have available balance on the card to cover any expenses and must request a refund after returning to India.

5- Insurance and assistance – differences within the same product:

As much is said about travel insurance, there is a difference between insurance and travel assistance. Basically this difference is the definition of who will pay for the service when it is used.

Assistance bears all costs of the service, but the customer must contact you in advance to receive instructions. In this case, the insured must go where the company indicates and the coverage is within the amounts provided for in the contract.

The insurance, on the other hand, determines that the traveler pays all medical expenses and that they will then be reimbursed, also within the limits of the contract. For this, it is necessary to keep any and all documents that prove the expenses.

Today, travel insurance plans offer both forms of assistance, assistance being the preferred form as it does not oblige the traveler to bear the costs of assistance. However, this option directly depends on the availability of the insurance company’s accredited network in the city where the traveler is located.

6- It is not an unnecessary expense:

With the real devalued due to the economic situation in our country, not taking out insurance can be more expensive than taking it out. This is because the plans have a very affordable price and the same amount would not pay for a medical appointment in Europe or North America, let alone medical expenses or other situations. Imagine arriving at your destination without your suitcase? International travel insurance should be part of any tourist’s financial planning.

7- International travel insurance services:

We’ve talked a lot here about medical expenses, but the insurance also offers services such as visits to the hospitalized insured, pharmaceutical expenses, indemnity in the event of death, legal expenses, indemnity in the case of permanent or total disability, companion in case of prolonged hospitalization, prepayment bail, location of lost baggage, compensation in case of lost baggage, advance payment of bail, medical and funeral repatriation, among others. It all depends on the chosen plan.

8- Pay attention to the general conditions:

Before purchasing the insurance, carefully read the general conditions, which describe how the insurance will work, what the duties of the company and the insured are. This will help you to travel knowing all the information.